Paul Mattick - Otto Rühle i niemiecki ruch robotniczy Tekst Paula Matticka - marksisty i lewicowego komunisty - analizujący postać Otto Rühle'go. Rühle…
Max Hoelz' Autobiography "They sacrificed revolutionary unity for their party unity." The following is a translation of a short autobiographical work by Max Hoelz…
Ernst Toller (1893-1939) - Jeff Shantz A brief biography of revolutionary, poet, and playwright Ernst Toller. Apart from his writings Toller is probably most remembered for his part in…
Reflections on Revolutionary Defeatism — "Lefty" Hooligan Three 2024 columns from Lefty Hooligan reflecting on his views on Revolutionary Defeatism. He…
Manifesto Seni Proletar “Manifesto Proletkunst” (Manifesto Seni Proletar), sebuah teks yang ditulis oleh seniman Belanda, Theo van Doesburg, diterbitkan dalam majalah…
March 1920, Germany: Military Coup and the Strike that Stopped the Generals – Bernd Hendricks PDF diary of the Kapp putsch, written by Bernd Hendricks for social media in 2020.
Revolution in Germany 1918-1919 – Bernd Hendricks PDF diary of the German Revolution of 1918 written by Bernd Hendricks for use on social media in 2018.
The Revolutionary Contribution of Paul Mattick Review of Marxism in a Lost Century: A Biography of Paul Mattick by Garry Roth (Haymarket Books/Historical Materialism Series).
The Real Cause of the Beginning and End of WWI Explanations of the cause of WW1 and its ending are always carefully avoided every year as regularly as the commemoration itself.
What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany? - Dadaist Revolutionary Central Council Manifesto written by Richard Huelsenbeck and Raoul Hausmann, first published in …
A Hundred Years Since the Murder of Luxemburg and Liebknecht On this day [15 January] exactly a century ago Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were brutally…
Rosa Luxemburg or: The Price of Freedom Part of a series of biographies on Rosa Luxemburg Translated biography